Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ode to HER......

I still remember,
that cold morning of fall,
When everything changed,
It seemed I lost it all!

Teary eyes blocked my sight,
Sleepy brain controlled my walk,
I went and sat next to her,
I begged her to talk!

Neither did she speak,
Nor did she took me near,
It was a nightmare come true,
Realization of my worst fear!

Glistening drops rolled off my cheek,
Logic seemed to abandon me,
I kept questioning myself,
"How could HE?"

Although its been many years,
She still is a part of my life,
Her memories and teachings,
Guide me in my strife.

Her caring nature taught me,
To understand other's tear,
Her selflessness taught me,
To spread joy among people dear!

I know she is up there,
Silently keeping an eye,
She is always with me,
The brightest star in the sky!

At times when I need her,
Times when I deeply miss,
I just look up,
And there she is!

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